EU Projects

New Projects



AI-based Cybersecurity Training with Gamification Techniques


To raise students with the qualifications sought by the workforce by increasing the digital skills of teachers and students in the field of cyber security with innovative approaches in cooperation with Higher Education, VET Training, NGOs and SMEs. Project Results for Objectives: • R1-Artificial intelligence based cyber security teaching material • R2-Self-Assessment platform • R3-Gamification-based e-learning platform Target Groups:Teachers & Students in VET


Promoting Entrepreneurs with Migrant Backgrounds on online gamified platforms


It is in the shared interest of all EU Member States to harness the full potential of education and culture as drivers for job creation, economic growth and improved social cohesion, as well as a means to experience European identity in all its diversity. Entrepreneurship is a powerful driver of economic growth and job it creates new companies and jobs, opens up new markets, and nurtures new skills and capabilities EntreAdu aims to develop the competencies of educators working with low skilled adults with migrant backgrounds to develop entrepreneurial thinking grounded on Entrecomp(EC,2016).To achieve this aim,three project results will enhance the abilities of adult educators to monitor their readiness on entrepreneurship relevant for the labour market by promoting learning and teaching partnerships with commercial and non-commercial organisations in the private sector.


Using new learning methodologies and coding with Arduino in education


Coding has a direct influence on student performance as it introduces new innovative methodologies and experiences in learning procedures. CODEDU strives to create a cutting-edge gamified e-Learning platform with an innovative curriculum and a toolkit for educators in this field. Through online workshops and the use of Arduino modules, secondary-level, upper- primary students and teachers will be introduced to coding and robotics, an upcoming & promising technology in the school education. CODEDU will deliver: - A Synthesis report on coding and new methods of education, teachers’ training curriculum and material - A gamified e-Learning platform, forum and Workshops with Arduino modules and training material for secondary-level and upper-primary students -A Toolkit for school educators creating upskilling pathways for them. Both during the project's lifecycle and after its finalization, CODEDU is expected to yield a wide range of impactful results for schools. It aims to help students adapt to coding through an innovative curriculum, teach them how to utilize Arduinos and provide teachers with an all-inclusive toolbox. It, also, intends to encourage teamwork, creativity and attentiveness in classroom, improve educators’ competencies and boost innovative learning methods, so as to foster innovators at schools. Project Duration 01/10/2023 30/09/2025 Coordinator UNIVERSIDAD DEL PAIS VASCO/ EUSKAL HERRIKO UNIBERTSITATEA Partners: Innomate INNOVATION HIVE Innovation Bee CYPRUS COMPUTER SOCIETY GoINNO Inštitut CEPROF - CENTROS ESCOLARES DE ENSINO PROFISSIONAL LDA


Transforming foreign language education in Europe through digital game-based approach


Lingua Trek aims to improve the quality of English language education in Europe by promoting the use of English language in authentic contexts. The hybrid teacher professional development training will equip language teachers with an innovative method of teaching using digital games, while the implementation of the digital game will provide opportunities for students to actively use the language in real-life situations, while fostering cross-cultural understanding and appreciation.

On Going Projects



Promoting Entrepreneurial Mindsets in European Universities Through Gamification


GAMEUP aims to enhance access to entrepreneurial education and create equal opportunities in the labour market for Higher Education Students by providing them.


Promoting Fundamental Rights and Inclusive Education in European Schools through Gamification


VALUEBOX aims to enable educational staff to build an inclusive and high quality education as well as the European dimension of teaching in secondary schools,which are paramount for creating and maintaining a cohesive European society.


Supporting the behavioral change in schools around the food and organic waste taking into account its social, environmental and financial dimension


COM aims to contribute the continual creation of this huge amount of waste which we believe can be addressed through behavior change by citizens (via education) at home, in school and in every day life. The project is motivated not only by the data, but by the understanding that this huge sector of environmental damage can be reduced by the public. We are informed by these statistics and the project is shaped by the fact that through education,these figures can not only be greatly reduced, but also start a wider conversation about ecological issues and citizen action.


Inclusive Digital Entrepreneurship Educators for Migrants


Includeup aims to build a more inclusive culture towards digital start-ups and support the development of digital and entrepreneurship skills among adults with migrant backgrounds through providing educators.


Gamification-Based Teaching Materials for IoT Education in VET Schools


Vocational education is one of the most important pillars of education and training in the world.


Interdisciplinary Cyber Training


NIST’s National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) underlines that it should be done a crucial step toward remedying shortage of “people with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform the tasks required for cybersecurity work.”


Digital Content Development for Integrating Cloud Technologies into Formal and Distance Vocational Education


One of the biggest challenges faced in the education system is that people learn in different ways and at different rates.
Peace Education

Peace Education

Education As A Tool For Effective Conflict Management In Secondary Schools

Peace Education

We are reaching a critical point in history when solving the problems of humankind has become a matter of our very survival...


On the Way to Gamify Your Teaching


The knowledge, skills and attitudes of European teachers are of great importance.


Interdisciplinary AI training and real-world applications for SMEs


The project objectives to develop a framework that provides vocational education and training and companies with a mechanism for both professionals and non-professionals to identify digital gaps in AI tech to develop AI technologies and help them improve job prospects.Considering the advantages of interdisciplinary training and mentoring programs in the field of AI,the project will develop and test e mentoring supported digital interdisciplinary training programs for SMEs and adapt to VET.


intrOducing Practices in opEn innovatioN 4U


OPEN4U aims to bridge the gap between closed and open innovation, proposing new insight to standard procedures or habits of employees contributing to development in SMEs. Since digital transformation cannot and should not be stopped, a key area of focus is digital readiness and ability to adapt to digital transitions happening now and be ready for the future. Establishing new forms of cooperation and experience resulting from previous open innovation practices will benefit long-term growth of SMEs, increased capacity of VET trainers and increase the flexibility of opportunities in VET


Developing a European learning outcome-oriented modular VET programme and educational resources on Blockchain to address technical, non-technical and cross-discipline (horizontal) skills requirements.


Innovative teaching materials will be developed in the field of Blockchain, in order to contribute to the problem of incompatibility with the workforce, which is one of the biggest problems of VET. The content of the training material will be developed in the concept of climate change, carbon footprint, green EU and ICT gender equality. With our project, it is expected that qualified students will be trained in the Blockchain, and a positive contribution to the workforce with the certificates.


Increasing the Quality of Vocational Education With the Samples of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Different Fields


Increasing the Quality of Vocational Education With the Samples of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Different Fields


Developing Innovative, Modern and Hands-on Digital Teaching Materials with a Focus on Robotics, Cloud and IoT for VET


Nowadays, when we are shaping the professions of the future, the COVID-19 pandemic has deeply influenced the economies of the country and the number of jobs has increased significantly.


For E-Citizens : Effective Access to e-Services


The project aims to develop an innovative multilingual Digital Competences Development System fully compatible with the European framework DigComp 2.0 for adult educators by providing...


Ecological intelligence for sustainable development


This project proposes a training plan aimed at teachers and students in Secondary education (12-16 years old), focused on the development of Ecological Intelligence to develop the capacity of each individual to discern the impact of his or her actions on the environment that surrounds him or her...


Courses, Tools, Resources for Teachers


Project details oTransdisciplinary integration of STEAM fields in the learning process is an emerging concept.

Completed Projects

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