Project Start Date:01.09.2020
Project End Date:01.08.2023
TOTAL BUDGET: 218 997,00 EUR
Kaposvar University
Hacettepe University (HU) – Turkey
Johannes Kepler University (JKU) – Austria
University of Jyväskylä (JYU) – Finland
Transdisciplinary integration of STEAM fields in the learning process is an emerging concept. This growing phenomenon took its part in many educational policy reports, including new skills and key competencies that needed to have in the knowledge century. Although recent study highlights the need for integration, there is still a gap in the field of implementation. Relevant literature indicates that to transfer the theory into practice 1) knowledge, skills, and experience of teachers 2) infrastructure, platforms, and tools, 3) educational resources are some of the most important factors in the integration process. In this project, four intellectual outputs (IO) and five multiplier events (ME) are planned to serve these factors. The target group will be teachers, in some cases prospective teachers, teacher educators, researchers, and students. In the frame of the project, it is expected a minimum 500 participants will be first-degree beneficiary through IOs and MEs during the project.
The MEs are actually learning-teaching-training (LTT) activities which will be held by each partner organization. First ME will be a conference on STEAM Education, which will contribute to the content of the ebook (IO4) with the chosen proceedings. Another ME will target students, teachers as well as academics who focus on the integration of arts into STEM education, while others include a series of STEAM workshops in various related subjects. In this context, it is possible to say that MEs serve as an output to the project. Events will be as qualified as the outputs and because of planning them as LTT activities there won’t be a limit for the participants, they all will be open.
The project stands out with its openness and the choice of its partners. All IOs are open and sustainable under the guarantee of a strong brand with 20 years of history, such as GeoGebra. It is possible to say that the consortium was established with a real strategic partnership. Kaposvár University incorporates the education of STEM fields and is experienced in educational material development via GeoGebra. Hacettepe University Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology specializes in gamification, online learning, educational resources, and ICT integration into education. Johannes Kepler University Department of STEM Education is the technical force behind GeoGebra and carries out research on both STEM education and GeoGebra. University of Jyväskylä works especially for the integration of arts into STEM and specializes to train students and teachers through experience.
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